How to Detect Steroid Cycle Abuse?

Alright, dude. So you wanna know how to spot a bro on the sauce, huh? Key takeaways here – look out for sudden and substantial muscle gains, drastic mood swings, and unusual physical changes like severe acne or hair loss.

Time to dive deep into this, my man.

First up, look for some serious gains, and I mean gains that just seem too good to be true. If a bro goes from looking like a string bean to the Incredible Hulk in a couple of months, there’s a chance he might be juicing. Especially if they haven’t changed their training or diet much but are packing on slabs of muscle like they’re going out of style.

Next, mood swings, bro. ‘Roid rage is real. If your gym buddy suddenly starts flipping out over small stuff or has emotional ups and downs like a rollercoaster, it could be a sign of steroid abuse.

Then there’s the physical stuff. Steroids can cause a bunch of nasty side effects. Acne, hair loss, gynecomastia (that’s man boobs, bro), and even ‘shrinkage’… if you catch my drift. Not to mention the yellow eyes or skin from possible liver damage.

Finally, if you’re close with the guy, you might notice some changes in his lifestyle. He might start skipping social events to hit the gym, or he’s constantly worried about his diet and physique. Plus, if he’s injecting, there might be needle marks or he’s always carrying around vials and syringes.

Just remember, bro, these are signs, not proof. And even if a bro is juicing, he might be dealing with some heavy stuff. Encourage him to seek professional help. And always promote natural, safe gains. Keep those vibes positive in the gym, bro!