What Should I Eat During a Steroid Cycle?

Yo, bro! So, you’re thinking about what to grub during a steroid cycle, huh? Well, here’s the skinny: You need a high protein diet, balanced with healthy fats and carbs to keep your engine running. You gotta remember, during a cycle, your body is in super-anabolic state and can use more nutrients than usual.

But, let’s break it down, bro-style.

When you’re on a steroid cycle, your body’s gonna be in this Hulk-mode, meaning it’s gonna be in overdrive to repair and build muscle. You’ve got to feed the beast, bro, so you’ll need a ton of protein. We’re talking lean meats like chicken, fish, eggs, and protein shakes.

You also need to keep your carbs high. I’m not talking about stuffing your face with donuts, though. Go for complex carbs like whole grains, rice, oats, sweet potatoes. These are your fuel for those savage workouts.

Don’t forget about fats, too, bro. Healthy fats are key for hormone production – things like nuts, avocados, olive oil, and fatty fish.

And here’s something most gym bros forget: veggies and fruits. They’re packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which are super important for keeping your body healthy and your digestion smooth.

Now, remember, bro, even if you’re eating right, steroids can still come with some serious side effects. They’re not a toy and should always be used under the supervision of a doctor. Always think about your health first, alright?

So, key takeaways: During a steroid cycle, up your protein intake, balance it with complex carbs and healthy fats, and don’t forget your fruits and veggies. And always, always, put your health first. Stay safe, bro, and keep pumping iron!